The God of small pleasures

Source:  magentafrog publications
Source: magentafrog publications

I have a wonderful life and I have much to be grateful for.  I realised it is important to remember this every day, especially on bad days.  It’s difficult and like most things it takes practice.  It is the ability to find small pleasures in the hustle and bustle of your daily life.

Source:  magentafrog publications
Source: magentafrog publications

So this morning went on the hunt for my small pleasures.  Actually, they found me first.  Master 1 was crying with a full nappy, Master 4 was asking to play on the iPad (without bothering with morning niceties) and Master 2 was wandering around the house with a paper bag that was his new favourite thing.  Yes despite what I say here my dear Readers, I do love my children and they do give me great pleasure and enrich my life.  But it’s not children I want to talk about today . . . the pleasures I’m talking about are noticing something beautiful, appreciating how it came to be and just being present.

Source:  magentafrog publications
Source: magentafrog publications

To achieve this requires stopping.  This morning, after dropping the children to childcare, I was going to go to work.  Then I decided to go back home.  I went around my garden searching.  I rustled through leaves, climbed into bushes and battled cobwebs to bring you this pictorial of the small pleasures in my life.

Source:  magentafrog publications
Source: magentafrog publications

Then I went to the toilet without interruption in my quiet house.  Ah, thank you God of small pleasures.

Source:  magentafrog publications
Source: magentafrog publications

6 thoughts on “The God of small pleasures

Go on . . . you know you want to say something . . .