I know why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture

I know why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture.  Over the long term, being denied enough sleep causes daytime drowsiness, clumsiness, weight loss or gain and adversely affects your brain and ability to function on everyday tasks.  How do I know this?  I am a Mum and for the past four years I have been woken up at least once every night. Some … Continue reading I know why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture

Putting yourself first and why ‘me time’ is so important

We live in a ‘me’ society.  It seems we are all obsessed with ourselves and what we’re doing now and seem to think it’s important to let everyone know instantly.  I’m not immune.  This blog is all about me, but as much as I value you my wonderful Readers, I do write for me; this is my outlet.  The fact that other people may find … Continue reading Putting yourself first and why ‘me time’ is so important

Dear Fitness Fashion Industry

Dear Fitness Fashion Industry – you suck!  Despite what you might think, big girls want to be fashionable too and by not catering to our size you are stupidly missing out on our dollars.  Every woman on a weight-loss ‘journey’ has to start somewhere; and let me tell you, it’s much easier to start if we are wearing nice workout gear designed properly for our size … Continue reading Dear Fitness Fashion Industry

What Is Living Authentically?

What does living authentically mean? According to author, Susan Piver: Living authentically is what you’re doing when you find congruence between your inner world: your feelings, values, gifts, needs, spirituality, and passions, and your outer world: your job, relationships, home, and community. When you live an authentic life, these things support and synergize each other I’ve often heard the comment that a happy person has someone … Continue reading What Is Living Authentically?

Why chocolate cake, bikkies and DVDs are your friend

An arsenal is what every mother needs.  Grenades to break up children’s fights, tear-gas to get children to bed and IEDs to wake them up again, barbed wire to keep them out of the house and AK-47s to ensure toys are packed up. Unfortunately, stupid laws prevent parents being able to protect themselves and using any of the above is likely to involve a kindly call from … Continue reading Why chocolate cake, bikkies and DVDs are your friend

Finding Gratitude

I have a wonderful life.  I often talk about my experiences of motherhood and raising my sons as hard work.  It is.  All.  The. Time.  But it is also humbling, terrifying, heartbreakingly beautiful and funny.  I don’t intend my posts to be negative at all; although they sometimes will seem that way, it’s more my intention to present my experiences honestly – and to do that, … Continue reading Finding Gratitude