Remembering muscle memory

Throughput my life I have at various times and to various levels been a cyclist, a runner and a swimmer but never at the same time.  A recent successful triathlon event in my town got me all competitive and thinking ‘I could do that’. So after being officially ‘in training’ for my first mini triathlon for the past week I am finding it significantly easier … Continue reading Remembering muscle memory

Ode to the coastal woodland

The season has changed.  The distinct fresh bite in the morning air is gone.  The sun rises earlier.  The air is more humid and it’s definitely hotter.  But there remains a cooling afternoon breeze so the weather is still perfect for taking a walk. At first glance the coastal woodlands near my home seem sparse and without colour; nothing could be further from the truth. … Continue reading Ode to the coastal woodland

Instant shit, just add water . . .

As a self-respecting mother of three and general fucking extraordinaire I got to wondering about my coffee drinking habits.  What has driven me from grinding my own quality Illy coffee to have in my nice glass plunger with matching café style glass cups to frantically gulping Nescafe Expresso instant coffee in interrupted bursts? Let’s ignore the irony in pairing ‘self-respecting’ and ‘instant coffee’ in the same … Continue reading Instant shit, just add water . . .

When is ‘submitting’ better than ‘obeying’ your husband?

What kind of a modern world thinks that vowing to ‘submit’ to someone is better than to ‘obey’? A recent news article on ABC’s 7.30 stated: Sydney‘s Anglican Church has been accused of sexism, with new marriage vows requiring a wife to submit to her husband. Critics say it’s yet another example of conservative church policies driving away the mainstream. Is it any wonder the Church … Continue reading When is ‘submitting’ better than ‘obeying’ your husband?