How do you start exercising regularly?

What’s the hardest part about starting something new and possibly difficult?  The steps you’ve already taken towards the starting point?  Lining up and getting set to start?  Or is it just taking that very first step into the unknown? For me it was all of that and everything else.  Anything that wasn’t even a problem became a massive obstacle.  I put it there!  I put … Continue reading How do you start exercising regularly?

Ode to the coastal woodland

The season has changed.  The distinct fresh bite in the morning air is gone.  The sun rises earlier.  The air is more humid and it’s definitely hotter.  But there remains a cooling afternoon breeze so the weather is still perfect for taking a walk. At first glance the coastal woodlands near my home seem sparse and without colour; nothing could be further from the truth. … Continue reading Ode to the coastal woodland